After 2 years and 9 months, two courses, a few one on one sessions with a publisher, lots of reading, lots of watching how to videos, more than 20 (sometimes big, sometimes small) edits and three title changes later... My picture book, Lily from colourless to colourful, is out in the world and on Dec 2nd, 2017 I got to celebrate the occasion, its launch, with wonderful people whose presence and support made that day even more special. See pictures:). My process in a glimpse:
Yearning to create... to birth ideas into this world A story arises, to carry a message that to my heart is dear But how? Time elapses… and in the I don’t know a step is taken Reaching out to a friend... a direction to follow at last Excitement… another step...then ...another.... Beginning to learn the hows Of a traditional path reveled A path, where in the end a box I see...oh no… that is not where I want to go Pure expression is not good enough here, I hear I am not perfect and that I know, but why...why can’t I ... What to do? it’s not perfection that I seek, but the courage to continue Confidence is shaken in its core... Disappointment comes to say hello How to stay in the uncomfortable unknown When resistance, fear and voices saying ‘you can’t’ are getting louder? Here… here… says my friend, another path exists The Heart of It its called Yes…yes… this is my path, I cheered A path where my expression is encouraged and welcomed Presenting more work to be done But this is the path I chose The path of creative freedom Where expression before withheld returned It’s been a long journey, full of ups and downs, much learnings and lots and lots and lots of work...where many times I asked my self... why continue? So why did I continue? Why did I poor uncountable hours without remuneration? Why did I continue when many times my mind told me to stop? I continued because my yearning to do so was much stronger... because, even though, the comfort zone is an easier place to be, I felt unfulfilled there... like Lily, in my story, I felt colourless, with lots of interfering thoughts giving me reasons for not doing anything and I no longer wanted to give those thoughts power. My desire to share, what I believe to be, a beneficial message with the world and to birth one of my creations kept me going…kept me learning to balance other people’s opinions while remaining strong in my intention and what I believed important... kept me learning to see, respect and accept my limitations but to move forward, one step at a time, with my available inner and outer resources. And that is why I continued, and I am sure glad I did it:)!
Hi,I’m Kelly – I love expressing myself through art and I feel young at heart:). Archives |